ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems
Water Quality Management
Productivity Improvement and Innovation
Environmental Science Education
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ISO 14001: 2015 Environment Management Systems

The ISO 14001 Environment Management System (EMS) standard is an internationally recognised systematic framework to manage the immediate and long term environmental impacts of an organisation’s products, services and processes.

The ISO 14001 EMS Standard certification is achieved for an organisation by the development of policies, protocols and procedures to ensure that its impacts on the environment are kept to a minimum.

EcoAdvise has extensive experience and expertise on successful implementation of EMS in organisations.

Establishing an EMS in an organisation results in achieving cost savings from resources utilisation, waste and energy management programs, quantify, monitor and control the impact to the environment by its operations, ensure legislative awareness and compliance, improved environmental performance of supply chain which will benefit in developing the corporate image and credibility, and increase access to business partners and potential customers.

Services Provided:

  • Training your EMS team on the revised ISO 14001:2015 Standard
  • Conduct environmental aspect and impact assessment of your business activities
  • Consultation on implementing ISO 14001 EMS in your organisation
  • Development of policies, protocols and procedures for the EMS Manual
  • Development of Environmental Management Programs (EMPs) incorporating compliance requirements and applying the systematic approach of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA cycle)
  • Assist with independent second party environmental management system or Environmental Management Program audits
  • Development of Waste Management Plans - Waste stream identification and classification, applying 3R strategy (reduce, reuse, recycle), disposal and treatment methodologies

Water Quality Management.

Fresh water is one of the most precious resources on Earth and managing water resources in Australia being the driest continent and the second highest per capita water user in the world is a challenge.

Managing the quality of water is vital for life, as a water supply for people, for the diverse ecosystems on which we depend, for agriculture, industry and recreation.

EcoAdvise has extensive experience and technical expertise in a wide variety of water quality risk assessments, including drinking water, process water, recycled water and wastewater as well as groundwater and surface water contamination investigations.

EcoAdvise has the capability to undertake water quality monitoring results (data) analysis and interpretation to deliver a comprehensive water quality management program/management plan to comply with relevant Australian water quality guidelines and industry standard requirements.

Services Provided:

  • Drinking Water Quality Management Plans
  • Recycled Water Quality Management Plans
  • Recreational Water Quality Management Plans
  • Wastewater Quality and Sludge Management Plans
  • Water quality risk assessment and treatment design
  • Drinking Water Quality Risk Assessments Reports
  • Water Quality Results Interpretation Data Base Management
  • Drinking Water Quality Compliance Reporting to Department of Health


Productivity Improvement & Innovation.

How to drive greater productivity is an issue at the heart of every business. 

How can we achieve more with the same or less, how to drive the synergistic effect?

Australia’s labour productivity growth has halved since the 1970s. A recent study by Mercer in partnership with the World Economic Forum ranks Australia 96th of the 122 countries in its Pay Related to Productivity score.

Japan has been in the forefront in productivity improvement and innovation.

There are many productivity improvement techniques and innovation approaches that have been developed in Japan and attracted much attention from the rest of the world.

One of the best examples is Toyota Production System, which is accepted and applied globally.

EcoAdvise Director Dr Hilary Nath was awarded a scholarship from the Association of Overseas Technical Scholarships in Japan to study and experience the productivity improvement and innovation strategies applied in the Japanese industries where he gained first-hand experience at the Toyota Motor Corporation’s Kyushu production facility which is a zero emission factory producing Lexus cars for the USA market.  

Dr Hilary Nath has been active in promoting Japanese productivity improvement and innovation strategies in the industry and achieved Japanese 5S and Kaizen Awards to organisations.

He has developed an excellent workshop/seminar to drive Japanese productivity improvement and innovation strategies to your organisation which will bring about the following:

  • Understand and analyse productivity drivers in your organisation
  • Develop leaders who drive productivity improvement and innovation
  • Motivate your workforce that enables productive business growth
  • Creating an organisation geared for productive growth and innovation

Service Provided:

  • Workshop/Seminar on 'Implementing Japanese Productivity Improvement and Innovation Strategies'

Environmental Science Education – Peel Harvey Estuary.

In a time where children are disconnected from nature, EcoAdvise recognizes the importance of making a real investment in environmental and sustainability education. 

Future leaders need to be prepared for tomorrow's challenges, and we must sufficiently prepare our children for the future that they will inherit.

Environmental and sustainability education allows children to understand, appreciate and be passionate about our surrounding ecosystems and to take right decisions now and when they become future business and political leaders of this country.

Achieving this would be the most effective environmental management strategy for a nation.

In the Peel Region we have a unique environment that comprises some of the most biologically productive ecosystems on Earth – the Peel Harvey Estuary.

Peel Harvey Estuary provides sheltered habitat, nursery and spawning areas for fish, crabs, prawns and shellfish.

The estuary helps to filter pollutants, acting as a buffer to protect shoreline from erosion and flooding and providing essential food and habitat for birds, fish and other wildlife.

Studies have shown environmental and sustainability education engages students in learning, raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue careers in environmental and natural resources.

EcoAdvise has developed a school science program on the rich Peel Harvey Estuarine ecosystem in consultation with the regions school science teachers targeting the primary school students and will be offered as an incursion (seminar/workshop).

Services Provided:

  • School Science Program on Peel Harvey Estuary – for primary school students offered as an incursion (Seminar / Workshop)

Contact Dr Hilary Nath on 0438240338 to organise your school incursion

Contact Details:

P: 0438240338
A: 44 Waldron Boulevard.
Greenfields WA 6210
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